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About Balanced Living Chiropractic Wellness

Staff-PictureOne Mission, One Purpose, One Goal …Your Natural Health and Wellness!

Our Amherst office is conveniently located near Niagara Falls Blvd and Sheridan Drive. We offer quality chiropractic care to all the towns of northern Erie and southern Niagara counties as well as the City of Buffalo.

We Provide Individualized Spinal Care!

Our family practice is neurologically based on the principle of Spinal Specific Adjusting, a system of personalized spinal analysis for the individual person as a whole, utilizing a thorough history and spinal function assessment with digital x-ray analysis (if clinically indicated) to precisely identify your spinal health issue and better serve your individual needs.

At Balanced Living Chiropractic Wellness we have One Mission, One Purpose, One Goal… Your Natural Health!

Chiropractor in Amherst, Dr. Steve Niemiec and his team will take time to listen to you and your concerns and work with you in applying your customized care plan of specific spinal adjustments to improve spinal function to achieve wellness. Our care plans are proactive and also preventative. They are centered on routine wellness care rather than crisis care. We offer a high level of outcome based care and best practice guidelines for standards of care.

What Makes Us Unique

Most people have no idea what going on inside when it comes to their spines when injured or the natural progression of the spine with aging for wellness. Its very common for our providers to hear from patients in their 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s that no health care providers have ever taken digital spinal x-rays of their spine to help determine the cause of their spinal problems.

With digital x-rays we can rule out more serious medical issues and provide a detailed x ray analysis of bio mechanical, and degenerative changes of the spine to deliver more individualized or personalized spinal adjustments better suit the needs of patients or practice members. Imagine going to the dentist and having work on your dental issues without the analysis  of digital x rays.

Teaching also sets us apart.  As adjunct faculty with the State University of New York at Buffalo – Department of Exercise Science, and Buffalo State College’s Wellness Department, we are mentors of tomorrow’s chiropractors.  Our staff is comprised of Chiropractic Assistants and students studying to be Doctors of Chiropractic.  We are proud that our support staff has a vested interest in giving quality, caring service to our patients and clients.

Balanced Living Chiropractic Wellness is proudly associated with the following professional and community service organizations:

Want to Learn More?

Sound interesting? Call our Amherst chiropractic office today!


About Balanced Living Chiropractic Wellness | (716) 832-1818